I Need Your Help…

From American youth groups to Madagascar to underground gatherings in China; the message of grace has carried a powerful impact in the lives of people I have been privileged to share it with.

For those who know me, you know this message is my One Big Thing.

I love to see many expressions of this teaching in the body of Christ. The more the better!

And I would like to see my part in this contribution reach a far greater audience.

I need your help to accomplish this.

As you know, my book Death of the Modern SuperHero : How Grace Breaks our Rules has been out for over one year. The early results have been wonderful.

(If you have not read the book find out how you can get a FREE copy at the end of this post!)

My ultimate dream is to have it picked up by a traditional publisher. In order to move towards this, I need to get the book in the hands of more people.

One great avenue to accomplish this is through Amazon.com. The more people who acknowledge the book and its quality on Amazon, the higher up the recommended list it travels. Then when people are looking for books in this stream, mine will appear!

Here are 5 Ways you can help my book get more exposure:

1. Like my Author and Book Pages
Similar to Facebook, Amazon offers you the chance to “Like” an author or Content.

Click to like my book page. (Like button near the top, right below the title)


Click to like my author page. (Like button in top right hand corner)

2. Tags
These are categories you agree represent the book well. These are located near the bottom of a listing. Click the up arrow on as many as you agree with. (This is for the book pages only)


3. Write a Review
This may be the most effective way to promote the book. At the end of the “Customer Reviews” section, there is a link to write a review. Or Click here! (If you write one, cut and paste it on the Kindle version of the book as well.)


4. Share on Facebook, Twitter, and by good old-fashioned word of mouth.
Just tell people! (You know how to do this one – no photo needed!)

5. Invite me to speak at your church service, gathering, or retreat.
A great way to spread the word is by having me share in person. Check out my Speaking page for details.

If you have not read the book, Find out how to get a FREE copy!

Here is the Kindle Version : [amazon_link id=”B004XDC40Y” target=”_blank” ]Death of the Modern Superhero:How Grace Breaks our Rules[/amazon_link]

As my readers, I always want to give you a good deal for helping me spread the word. Should you desire to use the book at a church group, a mom’s group, or a leadership retreat; just let me know and I will offer you a great discount. Contact me at projectgrace (at) lautsbaugh.com.

And finally…….

THANK YOU!! Thank you for reading the book. Thank you for reading NoSuperHeroes. Thank you for loving and grace and helping me to tell others.

Do any of you have any other suggestions?