Tag: righteous

  • Cheap Grace or a Cheap Response?

    Cheap Grace or a Cheap Response?

    The number one objection to grace says if you give people a big grace they will do whatever they want. Dietrich Bonhoeffer in [amazon_link id=”0684815001″ target=”_blank” ]The Cost of Discipleship[/amazon_link] famously called this cheap grace. I do not believe any grace is cheap since it cost Jesus everything. I would rather argue the cheapening of…

  • Grace Embraces our Shortcomings

    Grace Embraces our Shortcomings

    Why is it we feel we must portray a model of perfection as Christians? For as long as I can remember, the stereotypical Christian was one who cleaned up well and always answered the “How are you Doing?” question with positive enthusiasm. Do we present a church which has arrived and is all together, or…

  • Not All Checklists Are Bad

    Not All Checklists Are Bad

    I hate checklists for spiritual growth. They lead towards a works orientation and a focus on being performance-based. When a recent church service message started with a “Checklist for Spiritual Zeal” I was concerned. 6 commands from Ephesians 5 were restated as questions. Each one had an emphasis on not having a “hint” of such…

  • Charis by Preston Sprinkle

    Charis by Preston Sprinkle

    I picked up a free copy of [amazon_link id=”B00J3F1Q5Q” target=”_blank” ]Charis: God’s Scandalous Grace for Us[/amazon_link] by Preston Sprinkle. As you know, if there is a book on grace, I want to get my hands on it. I had never heard of Preston Sprinkle before. I have no idea what his views on other topics are.…

  • Wanting To Change is Not Enough

    Wanting To Change is Not Enough

    “For I have the desire to what is right but not the ability to carry it out” (Romans 7:18) Paul eloquently demonstrates in Romans 7 the struggle so many of us feel as we walk with God. We want to do what is right, but keep making the same mistakes. Disobedience is not in our…