Tag: America

  • What is at Stake?

    What is at Stake?

    When we returned to America as a family 18 months ago, it came as a surprise. Coming into my role as a missions and local outreach pastor, I did not have a set strategy or preset plan. I had to come with the eyes of a missionary to my “home”. I was a stranger in…

  • America, Meet the World

    America, Meet the World

    Hello America. Meet the Rest of the World. Note; This is not a political post but one of identification. The closer we get to the election in the United States, the more comments, eye rolling, and jokes I am hearing as an American living overseas. My journey as an American in missions has spanned over…

  • No More Doom and Gloom

    No More Doom and Gloom

    This post is mostly for my American readers in hopes of bringing a different perspective to the sense of doom and gloom which pervades the United States. For my readers of other nationalities, here is a chance to focus on the good in America, not merely the mistakes highlighted by the global media. The demise…

  • Is America Broken?

    Is America Broken?

    On several recent trips to America, my wife and I have noticed the immense pessimism that is surrounding politics and the economy. People feel like America is going down the drain. They complain and lament about the excesses, greed, and injustice they see. Politics is no longer about the best idea, but who (and what…