Weakness is Our Friend

Like many boys, my son, Garett, has a fascination with superheroes.

One day my wife, Lindsey, was home with our boys. She dressed our son up in his cape, and let him head off to the land of make-believe. He flew around the house for a while before retreating to the back porch. It wasn’t long until Lindsey heard a huge crash accompanied by the sounds of a crying boy.

Rushing outside, she found a pile of assorted lawn furniture that had been stacked into a platform, designed to be the launching pad for flight. Initially, she was concerned that he had been hurt as he sobbed uncontrollably, but as he calmed down, Lindsey found out the true source of his tears.

He crashed as he attempted to fly.

He had the cape, he built the tower, he believed with all his heart he could; still, gravity took effect and he crashed to the ground.

boy superhero

Even with his best effort and all his faith, it did not work. The reality of this crushed his three-year-old spirit.

He was not a superhero. Garett could not fly.

For many of us, the thought of not being a superhero is much worse than the pain of crashing under the weight of our own effort.

We try to do the impossible a long time before we will admit our weakness.

Depression and burnout are growing to epidemic proportions, especially among people “working for God.” In my organization, a verbal survey found 30% of the workers actively taking anti-depressants or sleeping aids.

Weakness is something no one wants. We will put on a false face for a long time before admitting our true need. We will work until exhaustion, take medication, or find ways to escape reality before we ever utter the words “I can’t do it.”

The Bible has a different perspective. It essentially tells us weakness is our friend. Paul says the following in 2 Corinthians 2:9-10

“But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.”Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me. For the sake of Christ, then, I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities. For when I am weak, then I am strong.”

In our pursuit of growth, we do not need to fear weakness, but rather embrace it.

As believers, we desire to live a life of obedience and holiness. Yet, the reality is that sin does not disappear the moment we receive the precious gift of grace. As we journey in our newfound faith, questions begin to rise in our minds.

  • “How much is enough?”
  • “What does it take to make it to heaven?”
  • “Is it once saved, always saved or does our eternal destiny hang in the balance with every thought and choice?”
  • “What is required to hear those words “well done, good and faithful servant” on Judgment Day?” (Matthew 25:21).

In my 23 years of ministry I have met many solid believers who ask these questions deep in their hearts. Most are afraid to voice this for fear of the repercussions. These kinds of feelings do not go over well in newsletter or ministry reports.

We are afraid to admit we are weak, turning again to don the cape and become a superhero.

  • Grace allows us to feel weak.
  • Grace allows us to struggle, doubt, and fear.
  • Grace shows us weakness is a companion of life.

When we embrace our weakness, Christ is glorified.

With grace, the elusive sense of contentment is found in any of life’s seasons; regardless of circumstances

And the gospel becomes more attractive to a hurting world. When we are “real”, others think they can do this thing called Christianity.


Portions of this post are found in the first chapter of Death of the Modern Superhero: How Grace Breaks our Rules. Like what you see? Why don’t you download the entire first chapter HERE! or View the Video Book Promo!

[amazon_image id=”B00SB3PEAE” link=”true” target=”_blank” size=”medium” ]By Chris Lautsbaugh Death of the Modern Superhero: How Grace Breaks our Rules [Paperback][/amazon_image]

Better yet, go buy the Book! Available in paperback or for the Kindle. More about purchasing HERE!

Photo by TylerElizabeth on Flckr


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