
“A whole lot of Christians want to change the world, but not change ourselves.” –Christine Caine

I am a disciple maker and teacher. I’ve been doing this for 23 years and have challenged thousands to grow and change. That withstanding, my greatest challenge lies in growing two little boys into disciples!

Lately, I’ve been thinking about how to build character into them. Kids can be quick to throw in the towel when they thinks success is unlikely (adults too for that matter).

This manifests itself in not wanting to look for “lost” objects or resigning themselves to never being able to spell certain words correctly.

I have sharp kids who I know are capable. My job is to help build character to take them to the place where natural ability can be sustained. Talent is not enough.

My kids do not like to see people voted off TV shows like The Voice, but they are so impressed when someone shows the resilience to come back and try again another season.



Christine Caine, the founder of the A21 movement has spoken a lot about being resilient and strengthening the core. Recently she went through a trying time after receiving the news she had throat cancer. As a professional communicator, this was potentially devastating. For a 3 week period, she did not know how advanced her cancer was.

Caine shares some of what went on insider her saying, “I did not need worriers but warriors. My fight was not against cancer, it was against fear.”

She asks, “As leaders, that thing that is keeping you up at night… do you trust in God?”

Trials and storms will not ease up in our lives, we must become more resilient.

We know we need this trait in leadership and ministry, but we also need it in parenting.

Here are a few thoughts on building resiliency into our lives and the lives of our children.

Demonstrate Perseverance rather than Quitting. Like The Voice TV show, let’s model and point out examples of people who did not quit.

Avoid Perfectionist Standards. If we feel we can never fail or make mistakes, we won’t risk. Growth comes as we step out, knowing even when we fail, these are not fatal.

Dream Big, But Realistic. As parents we always want to tell our kids they can do anything. This is not true. Let’s point out their strengths, but also let them know they don’t need to be good at everything. With my DNA, my oldest son will never be a professional singer or dancer. (Thank God!)

Take one step further than you are comfortable with. Resilience is not found in the place of comfort, nor is it found in being a daredevil.

Whether it is in our walk with God, our ministry or vocation, or parenting our children; we need perseverance and resilience as a core value.

What is something you need to be resilient in?

How can you call out perseverance in someone near you?

Photo credit: outta my way, rock! via photopin (license)


3 responses to “Resiliency”

  1. Lavern Melson Avatar
    Lavern Melson

    I think you are looking over my shoulder,Chris !At this stage of my life I can look back over many years and see how many times I have been knocked down and gotten back up,how many times God has taken the hard places of my life and turned them for good,how amazingly resilient my life has been.My parents came from a generation that were not whiners nor complainers but just kept pressing on and I am sure they instilled that into my life.But,now John and I are faced with trying to instill that attitude into our grandson,Travis.At the slightest obstacle,if something is too hard,if it takes too much time then he becomes frustrated and wants to quit.We are bumping into that habit with his school workSo,here we are…trying to teach him resiliency ,stick to it,try again because as I look at him I know he can do most of it but he just does not want to tackle anything hard.Rather then fail the first few times he will just not try at all.As usual,Chris,you give much to think on..thanks….Lavern

    1. Chris Avatar

      Thank you so much for sharing Lavern. I’ll pray for you and John as you journey with Travis!

  2. Dan Knight (@danknight3) Avatar

    Chris, I appreciate this post primarily for it’s focus that success comes from being resilient enough to overcome set-backs and failures.

    Secondly, that outward change (changing the world) is a result of inward change (changing ourselves).