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The Babysitter is Dead! Galatians 3:15-29

This is a part of the 7 Minutes a Day Series. It might be helpful to scroll to the bottom and see previous portions of Galatians we’ve explored.

All children look forward to the day when they no longer have a babysitter. You may have had some incredible times with a sitter, learning fun things, but the moment you are mature enough to stay by yourself is a milestone in any child’s life.

The Jews were telling the Galatians they needed the babysitter of the Law, specifically circumcision. Remember, they said this was the secret to success as a Christian.

Let’s read the passage in Galatians before we go any further……

Galatians 3:15-29(click on this and read the passage. Yes, this is included in the 7 minutes!)

Paul says faith came 430 years before the babysitter of the Law. The promise is superior, it existed first. Abraham was made righteous by faith, not his circumcision or his obedience. It was through his trust in the promise.

The Law (the first five books of the Bible) was added to help man understand sin, the standard of God, and ultimately His Character. Studying the Law gives us incredible insight into God’s Character as well as much wisdom for success in life. Since the Law reveals God, it actually points to Christ, revealing Him. The Law was never intended for salvation, but to point man to Jesus; to show their need for a savior.

Sin put man in prison (vs.22), with the Law as a babysitter. This is where the Jews missed it. They focused on the babysitter, not the One who “hired” the babysitter. Faith in the Savior Jesus, unlocks the door and “sets the captives free“.

Now instead of being slaves, we are sons (25-26). We’ve reached maturity. The need for a babysitter is dead. Of course we can still learn from that babysitter, but this person is no longer a necessary guardian in our lives. We’ve moved beyond a childhood relationship to one of maturity.

Old Testament saints understood this idea. Otherwise they would have spent all day, everyday at the temple sacrificing for their sins. They realized it was about faith, not their efforts to keep the impossible standard of the Law

Moses, David, and Joshua understood and by faith accepted the sacrifice of Christ in a forward-looking belief. You and I do this today with the second coming. They did it with the first coming. The Old Testament heroes did not know all the details about his first coming, but they put their faith in what they knew, just as Abraham did.

The question we are left with is about reaching maturity. The Galatians were begin tempted to go back to works, or rules.

Are we a rule based believer still living in prison? Have we moved passed the babysitter? Remember, we can learn from the babysitter, but we do not want to serve them.

In the next chapter we will see more understanding of what is looks like to live as a son or daughter, rather than a slave.

Until then, let’s consider our lives. What areas are will still in prison to our own efforts? Share so we can “set the captives free!” 

Please comment and let’s learn from each other!

Related Links for 7 Minutes a Day:  Galatians Series
Introduction and Summary of the book
Galatians 1:1-10
Galatians 1:11-24
Galatians 2:1-14
Galatians 2:15-22
Galatians 3:1-14






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