Tag: sin

  • The Could Have’s and Should Have’s

    The Could Have’s and Should Have’s

    You really should have done it this way… We are always critiquing our food, finding ways to make it better. The local church we attend is often the focal point of the “should have’s and could have’s”. I mean if they would just take our ideas everything would be perfect, right!? We are a people…

  • How Much is Too Much

    How Much is Too Much

    When dealing with the topics of grace and holiness, eventually the question of “how much is too much comes up.” I’ve spoken before about how much grace is too much grace. The flip side is how much sin is too much sin? We are accustomed to hearing preachers rail against certain kinds of sin. We…

  • A Cautious Grace

    A Cautious Grace

    Whenever you tell someone you speak and write about grace, they are quick to offer cautions. Grace must be kept in balance. “You don’t want sloppy agape or cheap grace now do you?” Oh yes, well watch out for so and so, he is dangerous… Grace is treated as though it is radioactive material moments…

  • The Pursuit of Balance Through “Yes…But..”

    The Pursuit of Balance Through “Yes…But..”

    The topic of grace is one which is often met with the response, “Yes…..But,….” Why is this? We agree, but feel the need to bring balance or present another equally important truth. Is it because there is such a fine line of walking in truth and avoiding extremes? Think of how often we do this….…

  • Best of 2013 #1: Surviving in an Anti-God Society

    Best of 2013 #1: Surviving in an Anti-God Society

    As 2013 winds down, I will be re-posting the top three original blog entries of this year. Included in the repost will be some fresh comments detailing why I believe these were so popular. The third most popular post was: Do You Hate Your Life (at least parts of it) The second most popular was:…