Tag: sanctification

  • Cheap Grace or a Cheap Response?

    Cheap Grace or a Cheap Response?

    The number one objection to grace says if you give people a big grace they will do whatever they want. Dietrich Bonhoeffer in [amazon_link id=”0684815001″ target=”_blank” ]The Cost of Discipleship[/amazon_link] famously called this cheap grace. I do not believe any grace is cheap since it cost Jesus everything. I would rather argue the cheapening of…

  • Improving on Perfection

    Improving on Perfection

    When you merge something with impurities into something pure, it brings corruption. In mathematics, we know a negative and a positive equals a negative. As broken and flawed humans, we cannot improve the work of Christ by something we do, say, feel, or think. Many times we are told the way to be a good…

  • Grace and Obedience are Friends

    Grace and Obedience are Friends

    The relationship between grace and obedience can seem tenuous at times. An over-emphasis on grace with no thought to obedience can lead to antinomianism, hyper grace, or as some would say “free, cheap grace.” Focusing on rules and commands as a means to gain the favor of God can lead to rule keeping, law, and legalism.…

  • God’s Perfect Plan

    God’s Perfect Plan

    Is there a perfect plan of God for our lives? I’ve heard many things along these lines through the years. “The good is the enemy of best.” “Don’t settle for second best in your life.” “Compromise will limit your effectiveness and take you out of His Will” This doesn’t even begin to consider the search…

  • A Blend of Grace and Effort

    A Blend of Grace and Effort

    As humans we tend to go to extremes. The idea of tension and living in the midst of it is difficult. We are a people of “either or”, not “both”. In writings and teaching about grace and works, you often get this as well. Very few talk about the balance between the two, rather than…