Tag: politics

  • Hardship Brings Even More Grace

    Hardship Brings Even More Grace

    Grace through trials is not learned in a classroom but through actually going through hardship.

  • What is at Stake?

    What is at Stake?

    When we returned to America as a family 18 months ago, it came as a surprise. Coming into my role as a missions and local outreach pastor, I did not have a set strategy or preset plan. I had to come with the eyes of a missionary to my “home”. I was a stranger in…

  • America, Meet the World

    America, Meet the World

    Hello America. Meet the Rest of the World. Note; This is not a political post but one of identification. The closer we get to the election in the United States, the more comments, eye rolling, and jokes I am hearing as an American living overseas. My journey as an American in missions has spanned over…

  • Thriving in Babylon

    Thriving in Babylon

    I live in South Africa. Our president has multiple wives, has had numerous trials for corruption and other crimes, and it has been proven he used millions of public money for his personal house. Even so, compared to some other presidents around the world, ours is a saint. The multitude of Facebook comments from America…

  • Are We Bridge Builders or Bridge Bombers?

    Are We Bridge Builders or Bridge Bombers?

    The movie Saving Private Ryan is set during the invasion of Normandy in World War II. The story follows a group of soldiers searching for a companion who is missing in action. The journey leads the group to discover the soldier is defending a strategic bridge. The mission of the enemy is to blow up…