Tag: performance
What’s Your Goal?
Our human self-sufficiency is never more evident than at the beginning of the calendar year with our New Year’s Resolutions. Goals are great, but so often we set about those goals in a self-reliant, try harder kind of way. As Christians, many of these goals are linked to spiritual growth, such as wanting to read…
The Other Side of Achievement
When talking about grace, we often give negative connotations to words like effort, performance, and accomplishment. They become four letter, anti-grace cuss words. And if one is gaining their approval from God and others based on what they do, than a negative perception is the correct one. We cannot earn or be worthy of God…
Improving on Perfection
When you merge something with impurities into something pure, it brings corruption. In mathematics, we know a negative and a positive equals a negative. As broken and flawed humans, we cannot improve the work of Christ by something we do, say, feel, or think. Many times we are told the way to be a good…
Grace Enables and Empowers
We casually toss around the word grace in so many ways. Saying thanks before a meal, a name on a church, or a greeting in the Bible. There are both common and specific forms of grace. Saving grace is very “generic” (not cheap but similar for all). Grace for life is where it becomes unique.…
Peace be With You
My wife and I have recently come off a transition in our roles. We successfully passed off many of our leadership responsibilities to men and women we trained up and walked with. This is every leaders dream and greatest moment of success, to see something you’ve begun outlast you and be improved by another. It…