Tag: books

  • 2018 Top Books Read!

    2018 Top Books Read!

    It’s time for the annual list of the top books I have read in 2018. This has become a tradition on Thanksgiving/ Black Friday / Cyber Monday / and whatever they will call Tuesday and Wednesday in the future! Without further ado….here are the top books I’ve read this year. [amazon_link id=”0310519659″ target=”_blank” ]People to…

  • Top Books Read in 2017

    Top Books Read in 2017

    Below is a list of the top books I have read in 2017. I’d recommend these as gift ideas or for your own personal growth. [amazon_link id=”0801019257″ target=”_blank” ]Growing Young: Six Essential Strategies to Help Young People Discover and Love Your Church[/amazon_link] [amazon_image id=”0801019257″ link=”true” target=”_blank” size=”medium” ]Growing Young: Six Essential Strategies to Help Young…

  • Top Books of 2014

    Top Books of 2014

    Each year, one of the popular features of NoSuperHeroes is a look back at the best books I’ve read in 2014. Take a look at my list and add your favorites in the comments section below. Here, in no particular order, are the top books of 2014. [amazon_image id=”B005EH36QE” link=”true” target=”_blank” size=”medium” ]With: Reimagining the Way…

  • A Marriage Boost

    A Marriage Boost

    Even the best of couples can use an occasional marriage boost. Maybe it has been a long time since you’ve had a “just you” date or getaway. Perhaps your family outings have been just that. Or it just may be the busyness of everyday life. You sense your marriage could use a boost. Things aren’t…

  • Best Books of 2013

    Best Books of 2013

    One of the most popular features of NoSuperHeroes, is my top books for the year. I’m doing the list earlier this year. Perhaps you will be inspired to pick up some of these for yourself or a friend over the upcoming holiday sale season. See my list for last year HERE. My top books for…