Category: Bible

  • Grace and Obedience are Friends

    Grace and Obedience are Friends

    The relationship between grace and obedience can seem tenuous at times. An over-emphasis on grace with no thought to obedience can lead to antinomianism, hyper grace, or as some would say “free, cheap grace.” Focusing on rules and commands as a means to gain the favor of God can lead to rule keeping, law, and legalism.…

  • Charis by Preston Sprinkle

    Charis by Preston Sprinkle

    I picked up a free copy of [amazon_link id=”B00J3F1Q5Q” target=”_blank” ]Charis: God’s Scandalous Grace for Us[/amazon_link] by Preston Sprinkle. As you know, if there is a book on grace, I want to get my hands on it. I had never heard of Preston Sprinkle before. I have no idea what his views on other topics are.…

  • The Signs of Christmas

    The Signs of Christmas

    What are the signs which point to Christmas coming? In every culture there are different visuals which alert us to the coming of this holiday season. When I first moved to South Africa, Christmas snuck up on me because I did not see the normal American signs. Once I learned the new signs, I could…

  • Safeguarding Against the Abuse of Power

    Safeguarding Against the Abuse of Power

    Even the noblest of leaders can succumb to the lure of entitlement. We work hard, often at a lower salary than our efforts should provide. What would be so wrong with accepting the perks the job can provide? In the recent downfall of Mark Driscoll and Mars Hill we saw some of this illustrated, most…

  • Growth No One Wants

    Growth No One Wants

    We all want growth in our Christian walks. We read books, attend seminars, join support groups, and lift up change-oriented prayers as a large percentage of our requests to God. But, it seems there is a type of growth none of us aspire to gain. In fact, if you are like me, we seek to…