Tag: School of Biblical Studies

  • Experience Can Lead to Laziness

    Experience Can Lead to Laziness

    The longer we do something, the less work we have to put in to maintain our desired level. This can be both a blessing and a curse. The blessing is that as our skill level increases as the effort and time decreases. It takes me far less time to prepare for teachings when compared with…

  • What is the Meaning of Life?

    What is the Meaning of Life?

    What is the meaning of life? Why are we really here? These are questions making ask today. Solomon asked the same question in the book of Ecclesiastes. At first glance, we can be  easily caught up with words like “vanity”, “toil”, “meaningless”, and “chasing the wind” found in this writing. These are all depressing terms listed in Ecclesiastes.…

  • Let’s Talk About Sex

    Let’s Talk About Sex

    Valentines Day is nearly upon us. What is the Bible’s perspective on sex and relationships since we hear a lot of other viewpoints. So….”let’s talk about sex…” How much time do we spend talking about the problems of sex versus the correct place of it in our lives? Our answer to teenagers asking why they…

  • The Gospel that is Not

    The Gospel that is Not

    Today, NoSuperHeroes welcomes Chance Faulkner. He resides in Canada with his lovely wife. Chance is a recent newlywed and graduate of the Emmaus School of Biblical Studies. You can follow him on his blog and Twitter. He also runs a photography business. _________ We live in a time in history where, more than ever, it seems…

  • 3 Secret Fears of a Missionary

    3 Secret Fears of a Missionary

    I know, you never have days like this. Even as a missionary, when something does not go your way, the emotions and doubts come. Those secret fears we have buried deep inside of us raise their head and whisper their lies. Here are three lies that we deal with as a family on the missions…