Tag: leader
Does our Parenting Reflect our Leadership?
I was shocked with a revelation the other day. Many of the things I do to my children, I would never dream of doing in my leadership. Parenting and leadership have many similarities even though the tools are applied in radically different ways. Most people would describe me as a gracious, releasing, and encouraging leader.…
Leaders Must Practice Self-Evaluation
Recently I heard a team leader of a communication team wanting to protect his first year staff from sitting under too many seasoned, veteran speakers so as not to feel a sense of insecurity. While I can appreciate the pastoral nature of this leadership, I disagree with it from a long-range perspective. If your young communicators…
The Practice of Leadership
“Leadership is not an event, it is a practice.” It is the “daily little things where we practice putting the well-being of others before ourselves.” Simon Sinek, speaking at a recent Leadercast event said this. He is the author of [amazon_link id=”B002Q6XUE4″ target=”_blank” ]Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action[/amazon_link] and [amazon_link id=”B00G3L0ZTQ”…
We Need Each Other – Desmond Tutu
“We are made to be dependent on one another.” Desmond Tutu said this in a speech made during Leadercast. He spoke live from the Cape Town location and was beamed into 130 plus nations. Tutu told stories of how Nelson Mandela had valued people on the way to becoming an extraordinary leader. Nelson Mandela transitioned…
Is America Broken?
On several recent trips to America, my wife and I have noticed the immense pessimism that is surrounding politics and the economy. People feel like America is going down the drain. They complain and lament about the excesses, greed, and injustice they see. Politics is no longer about the best idea, but who (and what…