
Weekend Wanderings: March 22

Weekend Wanderings is back! Here are a few links and best posts I’ve read from the last few weeks:

Greg Stier, via Church Leaders Youth Leader Blogs offers, How to Spot a Legalist. Read it twice. The first time it might poke you, the second time you’ll have to agree.

Donald Miller offers one of his secrets to becoming a better communicator in “How I Got Much Better at Communication.” Its pretty simple, we all could do it; if we can handle it!

Why We Need More Women in Ministry” is not what you might think. It shows that the church is losing women at a rapid rate, which is shocking, Take a look!

Chris Nye, via Leadership Journal, challenges us to listen to the hometown pastor as much as the celebrity one, in The New Televangelists. 

By: Even Normann

Take a moment and browse around NoSuperHeroes.com! 

The top post so far in March is : Overcoming Obstacles



