Tag: peace

  • In Today’s World Can We Rest?

    In Today’s World Can We Rest?

    People now sleep 2 1/2 fewer hours each night compared to people from one hundred years ago. The average office worker has 36 hours of work piled up on his or her desk. It takes three hours a week just to sort through it and find what we need. We spend eight months of our…

  • What’s In A Name?

    What’s In A Name?

    Naming a child can be a much discussed and debated topic among parents. The names we chose for our boys took a lot of time and thought to come up with. We settled on names which reflected “Gentle Strength” and “Bears Christ with Joy.” Amazingly, the boys “are becoming their names. One is an athletic,…

  • Suggestions for Unplugging Success

    Suggestions for Unplugging Success

    Today is the second in a series of guest posts by Marysol Blomerus as she looks at unplugging as a way of balancing our lives. You can read more about Marysol, her lovely family, and her excellent reasons for unplugging on the first post in this series. So you have your unplug night or day…