Grace, the Bible, and More….

  • 3 Healthy Reasons to Unplug

    3 Healthy Reasons to Unplug

    Today I am privileged to have a guest post by Marysol Blomerus.  You can follow her on Twitter @blomerus Its the New Year. Maybe one of your goals is to blog more and check Facebook less. Or to keep your inbox manageable and limit online streaming sports. Or to “be home and off your phone” after 7pm…

  • Jesus + ? = Success

    Jesus + ? = Success

     Yesterday, we examined Galatians 5:1-15 in our 7 Minutes a Day series. Paul actually advocated that the false teachers in Galatia not only circumcise themselves, but to go the whole way to castration. He was exposing the error of their thinking. For a refresher, have a look at yesterday’s post. I left off mentioning that…

  • Cut Off What?!? Galatians 5:1-15

    Cut Off What?!? Galatians 5:1-15

    If you have been following the 7 Minutes a Day Series, you know that the issue Paul is dealing with in Galatians is a false teaching of Jesus + circumcision. According to these false teachers, it was the secret to the successful Christian life. It is into this situation that Paul writes his letter to…

  • From Slave to Son: Galatians 4

    From Slave to Son: Galatians 4

    This is a part of the 7 Minutes a Day Series. It might be helpful to scroll to the bottom and see previous portions of Galatians we’ve explored. I have spent nearly 20 years working in missions. In my travels I meet many people who serve with different motivations. Some serve out of a desire…

  • The #1 Key to Growing as a Christian

    The #1 Key to Growing as a Christian

    If I had a dollar for every person who’s New Year’s Resolution was to read the Bible more, or to pray more, or to _____ more, I would be a wealthy man. This key extends to all the disciplines in the Christian life, but let’s look at through the lens of reading our Bibles. How…

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